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Grants, Cost-Share, & Loan Programs:

  • NRCS EQIP High Tunnel Initiative
    • EQIP (Environmental Quality Incentive Program) is a cost-share program that funds the construction of new hoop houses and high tunnels for farmers across the country. We work with EQIP on many of our projects and can help to cash-flow these projects when we help with your installation.
    • Kiva provides 0% interest crowd-funded loans for farmers and other entrepreneurs around the world.
  • Sunset Financial Group
    • Sunset Financial specializes in equipment and infrastructure financing for small and medium-sized businesses.
  • USDA Farm Services Agency
    • FSA provides equipment, real estate, and operating loans for farmers who are unable to obtain financing through credit through a bank.
  • Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education (SARE)
    • SARE offers competitive grants to fund research and education projects that advance sustainable agricultural practices in the United States.

Farm Ownership Transition:

  • MIFarmLink
    • MIFarmLink aims to help preserve Michigan farms and farming by shepherding prime farmland from its current stewards into the hands of the next generation, and help these new farmers fill this vital role and be successful.
  • The Conservation Fund - Working Farms Fund
    • The Working Farms Fund permanently protects at-risk farmland and creates lease-to-own options for growers looking to secure land for their farming operations.


Training & Consulting:

Equipment & Supplies:

Other Information:

Service Areas

And Everywhere in the United States